In this section of the Creation Engineering Concepts website watch for comments on recent articles in the field of biomimicry. This is the field of human endeavor where ideas and inventions of men result from the intentional study of God’s creation. The word “biomimicry” comes from two Greek words. The first word is bios that means “life,” and the second word is mimesis that means “imitation.” Biomimicry is also called biomimetics, bionics, and bio-inspiration.

I hope to find and review intriguing articles that are not always available to the general public, but I will also be on the lookout for hubris in these articles. Engineers and inventors can exhibit arrogance concerning their work when copying or being inspired by God’s designs. Sometimes they can think their biomimetic designs are better than those found in nature. This can be because they have been indoctrinated to believe evolutionary theory where nature should only produce inferior designs compared to those of men. In this view, man can bring numerous parts together simultaneously for advantage while evolution can only bring about change incrementally.

In reality, mechanisms and machines found in nature are always superior to man-made products. Consider the comparison between a bird and an airplane. Think of the advantages a human healthy heart has over an artificial heart. Would it make any sense for engineers to mimic nature if nature could only produce examples of inferior design? The continually expanding field of biomimetics would not exist if it were true that God’s designs were inferior. Remember God’s power is ultimate and the universe and everything in it was brought about by His spoken, infinitely-powerful, commands.

J.D. Mitchell

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