If you have read some of my arguments on this website, or in my books, against evolution and for creation, you know that I often point out that most evolutionist explanations are just stories – sometimes best understood as fairy tales. However, with regard to sexual reproduction, evolutionists cannot even come up with a story. Perhaps that would make sexual reproduction the “Best Argument against Evolution.”

In Genesis 1:26, God said that he made man from dust of the ground in the image of God to rule over all of earth’s creatures. Then, in Genesis 2:17, God said it was not good for man to be alone. From this we can properly understand that if any additional men were to be made, God would need to do the making. However, after God made all the animals and birds, and after the first man (Adam) had named them all, no suitable helper was found for Adam (Genesis 2:19-22). Woman was then made from the side of Adam, and God decreed that “they would become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). So, there is no room for evolution at this point in the biblical account, only the intelligent, creative, work of God.

By Genesis chapter four, we learn that Adam and Eve are able, along “with the help of the LORD,” to have children. This is accomplished through the process of sexual reproduction, and there is no evolution in evidence here either. One man and one woman together were required to produce another human being.

We now know scientifically how marvelously complex the process of reproduction really is. It had to be perfect from the beginning to be successful the first time and each time after. Cain and Able would not have come to be if only some process of evolution had to be relied upon. The amazingly complex, radically different, yet perfectly complementary reproductive systems of Adam and Eve must have been complete simultaneously at the same location. Evolutionists, along with medical experts, all understand that any slight incompleteness in only one of the two would make both reproductive systems useless. From what would the male or the female reproductive systems evolve? Can you imagine an answer to this question? Neither can the evolutionists! This is why I said earlier that the best argument against evolution may very well be the existence of sexual reproduction in mankind, as well as in numerous animals.

Here are some more thoughts on this:

     1. Not only would the physical systems of the male and female need to be compatible, but also the chemical and emotional systems.

     2. The male sperm and the female eggs must have total mechanical, chemical and electrical compatibility.

     3. There would need to be in place, in the beginning, a tightly controlled environment for the fertilized egg from conception to birth to allow for a viable birth.

     4.  If any creature utilizing sexual reproduction is to escape extinction, a tightly controlled system must also be in place for the development and survival of the sperm and egg so as allow for the continuation of the species. These systems could not evolve over time if immediate extinction is to be avoided.

     5. If sexual reproduction is to be explained by evolution, then this series of “random accidents” must be repeated for each of the millions of species that use sexual reproduction to carry on their genes generation to generation. We are talking here about miracle upon miracle.

The reality is that evolutionists have been unable to propose an adequate cause or mechanism to explain how opposite sexes could have developed even one time let alone for millions of species. This is why it is easy for creationists to accept the straight forward explanation for reproduction found in the Bible. God used his infinite intelligence and power to engineer the male and female reproductive systems right there in the beginning. Woman was modified as needed by God from the material he took from the side of the man so as to allow for the miracle of reproduction.

Scientists have also discovered that, in addition to their reproductive systems, there are other genetic differences between the sexes in humans, such as:

     1. Men and women metabolize drugs differently.

     2. Adult men and women have different physiological reactions to alcohol due to enzyme variations in the sexes.

     3. Men’s and women’s sleep cycles tend to be different.

     4. Differences in physical and mental capabilities of the sexes tend to influence occupational preferences for each.*

From the pseudoscience of gender fluidity in vogue these days, it is possible that an evolutionary explanation could be forthcoming for sexual reproduction. If so, I expect it will be found not to be any more realistic than the perverted philosophies upon which it will be based.

J.D. Mitchell

*Bergman, Jerry, Acts & Facts, June 2018. ICR, “Male – Female Differences Supported by Scripture and Science,” P. 15.

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