According to all existing historical and archaeological records, all communities, all metallurgy, all ceramics, all constructing, all machinery, all written language, all initial records of civilization; appeared essentially at the same time only several thousand years ago.

This statement regarding the historical records of ancient man is an undisputed fact. Yet evolutionists would have us believe that for over 99.9% of man’s existence, there is no record of any communities, no record of ceramics, no record of building, no record of written language, no record of civilization at all. Think about that!

Some might say that this is congruent with a belief that man is rapidly advancing and is currently exponentially improving his technology, his knowledge, and his intelligence. But, what does the historical and archaeological record show when examined within a biblical worldview? Does it make better sense of the evidence. Does it seem more reasonable?

One way to look at this is provided by the Answers in Genesis “Seven C’s of History.” The Seven C’s consist of the following major historical events of the universe as revealed in the Bible:

  1. Creation (In the beginning).
  2. Corruption (The Fall in the Garden of Eden).
  3. Catastrophe (The global Flood at the time of Noah).
  4. Confusion (God’s dispersion of people groups at the Tower of Babel).
  5. Christ (The introduction of the God/man to earth).
  6. Cross (The redemption by Christ’s blood and his bodily resurrection from the dead).
  7. Consummation (A new heaven and a new earth).

This interpretation of history is completely at odds with the secular evolutionary view. In the Bible in Genesis 4:2, just seven generations from Adam, early man had already developed significant capabilities within the fields of metallurgy and music. This is pre-Flood and indicates that man at this time was quite techologially advanced. Pre-Flood man was not a dumb brute banging bones against bones on the way to discovering music as is often depicted by the secular view of history.

Genesis chapter ten gives us the Table of Nations which traces how the descendants of Noah developed into the various tribes, peoples and nations now on earth. Written records exist today of the genealogies of British and European people groups which coincide with the Table of Nations. Most people have not heard of these records because they do not match up to the prevailing evolutionary anti-Christian view of the secularists. These genealogies begin with Noah and can be documented family-by-family to the recent historical past. There are genealogies, for example, that trace the line of Noah to the Franks, Romans, Britons, Saxons and other Europeans. 

While these genealogies are all pagan in origin, they do indeed match up closely to the Table of Nations of the Bible. Since they are pagan in origin it is not possible to dismiss them as figments of the imaginations of Middle Age Christian zealots. To learn much more about these genealogies that cover much of the 4,400 years since the time of Noah, take a look at the the book, After the Flood by Bill Cooper published in 1995 and available online here.

As an interesting exercise I will next consider some ancient man historical questions within the biblical worldview.

Question 1: Could pre-Flood technology have become partially re-established early after the Flood?

Answer 1: It is extremely probable that the eight survivors of the Flood would have developed considerable skills and knowledge during the relatively long period of time prior to the Flood. There may have been a library on the ark. Perhaps some high technology was in place in order to operate the ark and sustain life on the ark. We know that Noah and his sons were master boat builders. It logically follows that the survivors would have worked to re-establish as much of their pre-Flood technology as they possibly could over the remaining years of their lives.

Question 2: Could Noah have built more big boats later in life?

Answer 2: According to Genesis 7:6 Noah was 600 years of age when the Flood began. In Genesis 9:28 we are told that Noah died at the age of 950 years and that he lived 350 years after the Flood. Noah’s main career was in farming and we know he continued in this field immediately after the Flood according to Genesis 9:20. However, it is certainly possible that Noah could have had a number of careers in the 350 year period after the Flood. Perhaps he got back into boat architecture and construction at some point in his later years. Today, people often have many career changes in their “short” thirty to fifty year-work-lives.

Question 3: What is an example of early puzzling high-technology by ancient man?

Answer 3: Chapter eleven of Genesis tells the story of the Tower of Babel and how the people of the time, led by Nimrod, disobeyed God (again) by not following his instructions to fill the earth after the Flood. Instead of learning from the example of the global Flood, man mounted a united rebellion against God. They said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” God could not have this and confused their language and they were forced to scatter over the earth.

Some of the people scattered to an area which became known as Egypt. These Egyptians brought their pagan religion with them and immediately began to build giant pyramids. These pyramids still exist today and are technically sophisticated structures; yet no evidence has been discovered of experimentation leading up to pyramid building. The amazing statistics of the size and engineering aspects of the pyramids fills books, and the stone blocks weigh as much as 70 tons each and some of the stones were highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch. Other people built later pyramid-like structures all over the earth, but the first and earliest pyramids are the best constructed. Later ones were inferior copies and quality continued to decline until pyramids were no longer built. The early pyramids were of exceedingly high quality both mathematically and architecturally and today no one is sure how they were built.


For more amazing information about the advanced technology of ancient man I highly recommend the book by Donald Chittick with the title, The Puzzle of Ancient Man – Evidence for Advanced Technology in Past Civilizations.

J.D. Mitchell

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