(DG = Dinosaur General)

Note: Secular Answers in green and Creationist Answers in blue.

Question 8. Secular Answer: True.

Creationist Answer: True.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., Guidebook to North American Dinosaurs According to Created Kinds (GNAD), CEC Publications, 2014, pp. 37-44.

Question 11. Secular Answer: False. It is about the size of a golf ball.

Creationist Answer: False. I have seen numerous dinosaur eggs about the size of a tennis ball or smaller in museums.

Reference: Go online and ask for “smallest dinosaur egg ever found.”

Question 14. Secular Answer: The birds that evolved from the dinosaurs.

Creationist Answer: The secularists have this all wrong! According to the Bible dinosaurs were created on Day 6 after the birds that were created on Day 5. In addition, fossils of birds are found with fossils for dinosaurs, feathers could never have evolved from scales, the hip design for dinosaurs is different from that for birds, and bird lungs are entirely different from reptile lungs. Most birds were engineered and created to fly and then dinosaurs were engineered and created to be mostly on land.

References: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 5-6 & Sarfati, Jonathan et al, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air (Titans), Creation Book Publishers, 2022, pp. 235-241.

Question 16. Secular Answer: False. It means “terrible lizard.

Creationist Answer: Same.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 13.

Question 20. Secular Answer: False. Dinosaurs were land animals. Pterosaurs or flying reptiles are often mistakenly called dinosaurs.

Creationist Answer: Same.

Reference: Sarfati, Jonathan, (Titans), pp. 37-38.

Question 21. Secular Answer: False. Most dinosaurs were herbivores (plant eaters).

Creationist Answer: According to the Bible, all dinosaurs were plant eaters until after the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden. After that some became carnivores or omnivores.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 14.

Question 22. Secular Answer: True.

Creationist Answer: True.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 14.

Question 27. Secular Answer: True.

Creationist Answer: Probably true but who knows. Very little fossil evidence has been found involving the digestion systems of dinosaurs. Estimates would be based mostly upon what is known about existing large reptiles and mammals.

Reference: Brett-Surman, Michael, A Guide to Dinosaurs (AGTD), Fog City Press, 1997, pp. 70-71.

Question 29. Secular Answer: 4 feet long.

Creationist Answer: Perhaps 4 feet long. The longest single Sauropod dinosaur footprint I have ever seen (as a cast) was just under 3 feet long. This was at the Paluxy River in Glen Rose, Texas. When I read about 4 feet long, 5 feet long and longer footprints I am incredulous. Supposedly, 5’9” long footprints have been found in Australia. I will believe it when I see it. This just does not seem possible if it represents the size of a dinosaur foot.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 27-36.

Question 31. Secular Answer: Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore.

Creationist Answer: Herbivore, carnivore, omnivore.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 14.

Question 39. Secular Answer: False. Dinosaur fossils have been found on all continents.

Creationist Answer: False. Dinosaur fossils have been found on all continents and this is what would be expected if there was a global Flood about 4,500 years ago.

Reference: Currie. P.J, et al, Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs, Academic Press, 1997.

Question 41. Secular Answer: Hadrosaurus in 1868.

Creationist Answer: Hadrosaurus in 1868.

Reference: Jaffe, Mark, The Gilded Dinosaur, Crown Publishers, 2000, pp. 10-11.

Question 43. Secular Answer: True.

Creationist Answer: True.

Reference: Carpenter, Kenneth, Eggs, Nests, and Baby Dinosaurs, Indiana University Press, 2000.

Question 50. Secular Answer: Compsognathus, about the size of a chicken.

Creationist Answer: This is a question where the answer depends on who you ask. Compsognathus was for decades considered the smallest dinosaur. Lately other genus names have popped up that purport to be the smallest such as Microraptor.

Reference: Brett-Surman. AGTD, p. 128.

Question 55. Secular Answer: Velociraptor for the “Raptors.”

Creationist Answer: Same.

Reference: Online at “NBA” or “Toronto Raptors.”

Question 78. Secular Answer: The frill.

Creationist Answer: The frill.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 112-133.

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