Astronomers have estimated that there are a hundred billion galaxies each with an average of a hundred billion stars. That estimate calculates to a total number of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe!

Genesis chapter 1, verse 16 tells us that God made the stars on Day 4 of the creation. The common secular explanation is that stars (and everything else in the universe) are the result of a Godless big bang. A corollary of the secular explanation is that stars regularly evolve from interstellar gas and dust.

Creationists and evolutionists often disagree, but on the matter of star deaths they are in total agreement. This because there is a history of seeing hundreds of stars die. In our galaxy alone we have witnessed about one star per year explode and die. When very large stars explode they are called supernovas. Basically what happens in a supernova is that the dying star explodes into an expanding cloud of dust and gas.

If stars are evolving we should see them being formed at about the same rate as they are dying.

However, while secularists believe stars form from dust and gas, there has never been a documented observation of the birth of a star. No star has ever been seen to evolve from dust and gas or any other thing. This matches the expectations of our understandings of physics. In addition, recent research indicates that those areas where star births were thought to be possible were actually great dust clouds surrounding existing stars or areas of former stars.

Dr. Walt Brown has written: “In summary there is no evidence that stars evolve, there is much evidence that stars did not evolve, and there are no experimentally verifiable explanations for how they could evolve and seemingly defy the laws of physics.”*

So what should be taken from this is that stars are regularly seen dying, and no star has ever been seen being born. These facts match the Genesis account and our understanding of the Laws of Thermodynamics. And, they tend to add to the growing body of facts that refute the big bang hypothesis. 

Glory be to God!

J.D. Mitchell

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. (Psalm 19:1-2)

*Brown, Walt, In the Beginning, 8th Edition, 2008, p. 32.

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