(DS = Dinosaur Specific)

Note: Secular Answers in green and Creationist Answers in blue.

Question 2. Secular Answer: False. This is probably what most secular paleontologists would say because they believe that evidence for other sauropod dinosaurs longer than Brachiosaurus has been found. However, the size of dinosaurs is not an exact science and in many cases the amount of fossil material is miniscule. For Brachiosaurus quite a lot of fossil material has been discovered so the guesses based on many assumptions about the size of this animal are likely more accurate than other large sauropods.

Creationist Answer: A large, long-necked dinosaur like Behemoth in the book of Job in the Bible was likely the longest land animal to have ever lived, but it is not possible to know what genus name to apply to it. Fossil material for Diplodocus indicates it was up to 90 feet long and that for Brachiosaurus indicates it was up to only 75 feet long. Perhaps genera like Seismosaurus or Argentinosaurus were even longer than Diplodocus but there is not enough fossil evidence to be sure.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., Guidebook to North American Dinosaurs According to Created Kinds (GNAD), CEC Publications, 2014, pp. 149 & 161.

Question 3. Secular Answer: 100 tons.

Creationist Answer: See the answer to Question 1 above. There is probably enough evidence to say that the heaviest dinosaur, perhaps like the genus Argentinosaurus, weighed more than 40 tons and certainly way less than 500 tons, but again it is more guesswork than science; a weight of 100 tons seems a bit high for any land animal. For reference the largest elephant ever weighed was less than 13 tons.

Reference: Svarney, Thomas et al, The Handy Dinosaur Answer Book (THDAB), Visible Ink, 2003, pp. 237-238.

Question 4. Secular Answer: Five (5), Pentaceratops means 5-horned face in Greek.

Creationist Answer: Five (5).

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 113.

Question 13. Secular Answer: Ankylosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Ankylosaurus.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 95-97.

Question 23. Secular Answer: Pentaceratops.

Creationist Answer: Pentaceratops but remember that even though the biggest dinosaur skull was likely a horn-faced kind there is little agreement among paleontologists regarding how many different genera there really were among the ceratopsian dinosaurs. Dodson reported that one fossilized Pentaceratops skull was measured at 2.7 meters long.

References: Dodson, Peter, The Horned Dinosaurs (THD), Princeton University Press, 1996, pp. 115-116 & Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 112-133.

Question 24. Secular Answer: “Sue”; named for discoverer Sue Hendrickson, who found the bones in 1990 in South Dakota.

Creationist Answer: “Sue.” The story of Sue is an amazing tale of intrigue, politics, and heartbreak as told in the book Rex Appeal by Peter Larson and Kristin Donnan.

Reference: Larson, Peter et al, Rex Appeal, Invisible Cities Press, 2004.

Question 25. Secular Answer: Nostrils.

Creationist Answer: Nostrils but it is still quite a mystery why the nostrils were located on the top of the skull.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 149-151.

Question 28. Secular Answer: In the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in 1923 by famous explorer Roy Chapman Andrews of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Creationist Answer: The same. Before this discovery it was not known for sure that dinosaurs reproduced through hard-shelled eggs. It is not clear either that clutches of dinosaur eggs always represent a nest.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 71.

Reference: Gallenkamp, Charles, Dragon Hunter-Roy Chapman Andrews and the Central Asiatic Expeditions, Penguin Books, 2001.

Question 33. Secular Answer: False. Velociraptor was a rather small dinosaur not more than 3 feet high and up to six feet long. The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were at least twice this size.

Creationist Answer: False. An exact replica of a six-foot long Velociraptor skeleton from the Gobi Desert of Mongolia can be seen at the Dinosaur & Fossil Museum at the Mount St. Helens Creation Center in Castle Rock, Washington.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 137.

Question 34. Secular Answer: Genus name Brachiosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Genus name Brachiosaurus.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 149.

Question 38. Secular Answer: Bipedal, two support legs not four.

Creationist Answer: Bipedal.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., p. 194.

Question 42. Secular Answer: Argentina.

Creationist Answer: Argentina. Again, this is a situation where fossil evidence is lacking.

Reference: Sarfati et al, Titans of the Earth, Sea, and Air (Titans), Creation Book Publishers, 2022, pp. 100-101.

Question 44. Secular Answer: Tyrannosaurus rex.

Creationist Answer: Tyrannosaurus rex. The monster dinosaur in the 1933 King Kong film was based on a Charles Knight artistic rendition for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. At that time, it was thought that T. rex moved slowly dragging his tail along the ground behind him. Current representations are quite different with the tail shown held up to counterbalance its huge skull.

Reference: See Wikipedia for “King Kong 1933 Film.”

Question 47. Secular Answer: 10 inches.

Creationist Answer: 11 inches. These measurements are around the curve and include the root of the tooth, not just the length extending from the jaw. Not all T-rex teeth were the same length, and the length of the longest tooth would vary from individual to individual.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., Fossils: Description & Interpretation Within a Biblical Worldview (Fossils), CEC Publications, 2017, p. 124.

Question 48. Secular Answer: About 50 teeth.

Creationist Answer: “There might have been fifty teeth in its mouth at any one time.” The T. rex jaws were designed in a manner to replace teeth as they were torn out.

Reference: Horner, John R. et al, The Complete T. rex (TCTR), Simon & Schuster, 1993, p. 109.

Question 51. Secular Answer: Seismosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Seismosaurus.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 161.

Question 53. Secular Answer: Velociraptor.

Creationist Answer: Velociraptor. The scientific name is also translated to English as “swift robber.”

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 137.

Question 54. Secular Answer: Unknown. Some scientists think T. rex may have been able to run in spurts up to 25 miles per hour. Others think it was too massive to run for any distance but could have moved quickly to catch prey.

Creationist Answer: Unknown.

Reference: Horner, TCTR, pp. 191-201.

Question 56. Secular Answer: A large bison.

Creationist Answer: A large bison. It is probably more accurate to say that John Bell Hatcher discovered the skull in 1888 and initially named it Bison alticornis. Professor O.C. Marsh quickly recognized it as a ceratopsian skull once it was transported from Montana to the Yale laboratory.

Reference: Dodson, THD, pp. 61-62.

Question 57. Secular Answer: False.

Creationist Answer: False. They looked more like spikes but did not have a circular cross-section. They were more oval in cross-section. Some teeth have been found with serrated edges.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., Fossils, p. 124.

Question 58. Secular Answer: Stegosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Stegosaurus.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 180.

Question 59. Secular Answer: False. For a long time, it was said that the Stegosaurus brain was the size of a walnut and therefore the dinosaur must have been stupid. More recent studies indicate that the dinosaurs were not stupid and, as with humans, there is no direct correlation between brain size and intelligence.

Creationist Answer: False. The latest science describes the Stegosaurus brain as being more like a bent hot dog than a walnut.

References: Sarfati, Titans, p. 42 & Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 180.

Question 60. Secular Answer: “Tyrant lizard king.”

Creationist Answer: “Tyrant lizard king.”

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 194.

Question 61. Secular Answer: Ornitholestes.

Creationist Answer: Ornitholestes.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 142.

Question 62. Secular Answer: Protoceratops. Many fossilized bones of this dinosaur were discovered during the expeditions to Mongolia led by Roy Chapman Andrews in the 1920s.

Creationist Answer: Protoceratops.

Reference: Brett-Surman, Michael. A Guide to Dinosaurs (AGTD), Fog City Press, 1997, p. 195.

Question 63. Secular Answer: False. Many paleontologists believe that Spinosaurus was larger than T. rex.

Creationist Answer: False. But this assumes that the incomplete fossil remains of Spinosaurus have been correctly interpreted. The creationist would remind you that there were no meat-eating dinosaurs in the beginning at the time of the creation. This change from plant-eating to meat-eating only occurred after the Fall of Adam and the institution of the curse by God that is described in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

Reference: Brett-Surman, AGTD, p. 156.

Question 64. Secular Answer: Hadrosaurus. Found in New Jersey and mounted in Philadelphia in 1858.

Creationist Answer: Hadrosaurus. A Duck-Billed kind of dinosaur.

Reference: Svarney, THDAB, p. 333.

Question 65. Secular Answer: Megalosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Megalosaurus by Anglican geologist and paleontologist William Buckland in 1824.

Reference: Sarfati, Titans, pp. 22-23.

Question 66. Secular Answer: Jaws. The jaws were up to 4 feet long while the arms were up to about 3 feet long.

Creationist Answer: Jaws.

Reference: Horner, TCTR, pp. 113-115.

Question 67. Secular Answer: Edmontosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Edmontosaurus a Duck-billed kind of dinosaur.

References: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 98 & Mitchell, J.D., Fossils, p. 135.

Question 68. Secular Answer: Pachycephalosaurus.

Creationist Answer: Pachycephalosaurus.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 189-193.

Question 69. Secular Answer: Maiasaura.

Creationist Answer: Maiasaura.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, pp. 108, 111.

Question 71. Secular Answer: Parasaurolophus.

Creationist Answer: Parasaurolophus. Perhaps the crest was used for making sounds, or it may have been just a visual display and could have been different in males and females.

Reference: Sarfati, Titans, p. 139.

Question 74. Secular Answer: Three.

Creationist Answer: Three.

Reference: Mitchell, J.D., GNAD, p. 202.

Question 75. Secular Answer: True.

Creationist Answer: True. A general statement could be made that larger quadrupedal dinosaurs had mostly solid leg bones while theropods like T. rex had hollow limb bones.

Reference: Svarney, THDAB, p. 202.

Question 83. Secular Answer: Of the three choices the closest would be 35 tons.

Creationist Answer: A full-grown Apatosaurus probably weighed about 20 tons. 35 tons seems high, but who really knows?

Reference: Sarfati, Titans, p. 110.

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