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Dragonfly Protolindenia

Description: The large Protolindenia replica dragonfly’s body is about 3 1/4″ long X 1/4″ wide. Its wingspan is 6 1/2″. The matrix size is 4 1/2″ wide X 7″ long.

Location: Solnhofen limestone in Bavaria, Germany.

Interpretation: Large fossilized dragonflies have been found in sedimentary rock throughout the world including a fairly large number in the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria. Some fossil dragonflies have been reported to have had wingspans of up to three feet. These large insects probably existed pre-Flood because of the considerably different climatic and environmental conditions at that time. Some secular and creation scientists are in agreement that one likely condition in the past was an atmosphere with a higher concentration of oxygen than we now experience. Other than size, there is little difference between the fossil and existing dragonflies. All dragonflies, whether fossil or living, are extremely complex lifeforms with amazing flying capabilities.


Mayfly Larvae Ephemeropsis

Description: The Ephemeropsis fossil is 2 3/8″ long X 3/8″ wide. The matrix block is 2 1/2″ wide X 2 1/4″ high X 1″ thick. The three rear projections from the insect larvae are 5/8″ long.

Location: The Yixian formation of Liaoning, China.

Interpretation: The China formation where this (and other) mayfly larvae (nymphs) were found is similar to limestone formations elsewhere; Solnhofen in Germany, Green River formation in Wyoming and the Lagerstatte in Lebanon are examples. Tiny details can be seen in these fossils that show extreme complexity. No evolution from simple to complex is ever observable in reality.

Those familiar with mayfly larvae of today will not notice much, if any, difference between them and this larvae formed 4,500 years ago and captured in this fossil.


Crane Flies

Description: The upper four fossil insects are probably crane flies as determined by their body and wing  shapes. The lower “large” insect type is unknown. The crane fly wings are 5/8″ long X 1/8″ wide and the bodies are about 3/8″ long. The limestone block is 3 1/4″ wide X 3 3/4″ high X 3/8″ to 7/8″ thick.

Location: Green River formation near Bonanza, Utah.

Interpretation: If delicate insects like these were commonly fossilized by the conditions existing today we should be able to find them in almost every sedimentary rock we pick up, but that is not the case. According to insect experts there are between two and thirty million insect species in existence on the earth, and they make up over eighty per cent of the world’s specie names. These delicate insects above were surely fossilized by some very unusual processes – probably those of the Genesis Flood at the time of Noah.


March Fly Plecia

Description: The March Fly Plecia (lovebug) fossil is oriented sideways on the matrix. The body is about 1/2″ long and the matrix is 3″ wide X 2 1/8″ high X 3/16″ thick.

Location: Green River formation of Wyoming.

Interpretation: There are quite a few of these little fossil insects of the Bibionidae family that have been found in the sediments of the Green River formation. Most examples are oriented with the wings flat and extended outward in the plan view. The fact that this one is oriented sideways is a testimony to how rapidly the fly was buried. Double click on the image to see in better detail the wings, body, legs of the fly.


Fossil Parasitic Wasp

Description: The fossil parasitic wasp (family Ichneumonid) at the top of the matrix is 5/16″ long with wings 1/8″ long and antennae 1/8″ long. The matrix is 1 3/4″ wide X 1 3/8″ high X 5/16″ thick.

Location: Green River formation, Rio Blanco County, Colorado.

Interpretation: The Bible teaches that in the beginning “everything was very good” (Genesis 1: 29-30). That leads the biblical creationist to the conclusion that parasitic wasps did not exist in the beginning. After the fall and the institution of the curse by God, many things that were created good changed and now are not so good.

Some zoologists have written that their research indicates that the differences between non-parasitic and parasitic wasps are not as great as might be assumed. “Free-living species could become parasitic without substantial anatomical or physiological changes.” (Miller, Stephen and Harley, John, Zoology 8th edition, McGraw -Hill Co., 2009, p. 226.) In the present cursed world these parastic wasps still do provide an important service. They work to control overpopulation of certain insects that the wasps kill as part of their own life cycle.


Beetle Hydrophilus

Description: The two Hydrophilus water beetles at the left are damaged, but the right hand specimen is complete and is 1 1/8″ long X 5/8″ wide. The matrix slab of tar sand is 3 1/2″ wide X 6 1/2″ long x 1 1/2″ thick.

Location: The La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California.

Interpretation: There exists a high concentration of fossilized water beetles at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles and that could be interpreted as an indication that the fossil site is the result of a massive water catastrophe. The Genesis Flood explanation for the thousands of fossil found at La Brea provides many explanatory advantages over the secular uniformitarian “entrapment” scenario. (See Mitchell, J.D., The Creation Dialogues – 2nd Edition, CEC Publications, 2014, pp 76-83.)


Insects in Amber

Description: The piece of fossil resin is 1 9/16″ long X 3/4″ wide X 3/16″ thick. There are at least 20 insects trapped in this resin sample that has been artificially polished on its surfaces post discovery.

Location: The Baltic Sea area.

Interpretation: Resin samples that are called amber or copal are collected for resale from Columbia and the Dominican Republic as well as from the Baltic Sea area of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and Russia. Since trees today make resin and the resin can at any time trap insects and harden, there is no scientific method generally used to prove the millions of years that the amber is advertised to be. If radiocarbon (carbon 14) dating were used along with the proper biblical assumptions about the age of the earth, the likely age of all hardened “fossil” resin would be less than 4,500 years. And. the author believes that the Baltic fossil resin in the image above is actually about 4,500 years old and was formed in the worldwide Flood.

The author has inspected hundreds of photos of fossil resin with trapped insects and other lifeforms inside and has yet to find an example where the entrapped life looked any different from the life kinds living today. It is not surprising that these photos showed no hint of macroevolution over the age of the resin.

Science is no closer to making a dinosaur or any other animal from the DNA in the blood inside a mosquito in amber than it was at the time of the first Jurassic Park movie. Real science supports the Bible’s instruction regarding created kinds at the beginning and does not support the atheistic evolutionary fairy tales promoted by our secular culture.




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