The human nervous system is the most remarkable communication center ever designed. It regulates the actions of organs; monitors the senses; and controls one's thinking, learning, and memory capacity all at the same time. The specialized nerve receptors in the sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose) receive millions of bits of information from the environment. They are constantly sending the data to the brain at a rate of 300 miles per hour by way of nerve fibers. The brain then analyzes the data and determines the right action to take.

Scientists have found that even the nervous system of simple animals such as starfish is extremely complex. A single starfish's nerve ganglia and fibers have been described as more complex than London's entire telephone exchange system. If it took intelligence to design the sophisticated communication systems of the earth, why would we believe that blind chance devised the infinitely more intricate human nervous system?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, June 10.

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