Theories on the specifics of how God created can change as more information becomes available. Many original measurements of the sun's diameter indicated that it was shrinking far to fast to have allowed its age to be billions of years old. Furthermore, the original measurements of the neutrinos ( a subatomic particle produced during nuclear fusion) produced by the sun seemed to confirm that nuclear reactions did not account for all of the energy being emanated by the sun. However, more recent measurements of both shrinkage and neutrinos have confirmed that nuclear power does indeed account for the energy emanated from stars and there is no rapid shrinkage of the sun occurring.

Yet, it is the modern scientific assumptions of naturalism which have produced most major blunders of modern science. For instance, the area of the horse-head nebula within the constellation Orion was for years thought to be an area of “star formation” because new points of light seemed to appear within the nebular gas field. However, it is now acknowledged that the “new stars” are actually stars behind the gas cloud which became visible as the nebula spread out and dissipated. Not a single new star has ever been shown to have appeared, yet thousands have disintegrated in supernovas. This is a strong support of the creation model which states that God made the stars on day 4 of creation. Hydrogen gas simply does not condense to form stars within the vacuum of space.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, September 29.

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