Evolutionists teach that small changes (which are actually just genetic variations) over vast amounts of time can produce large genetic shifts, eventually producing completely new creatures. This belief ignores a major problem with evolution; where does the useful information come from? Failing to ask this question prevents students from questioning which direction mutational changes are driving an organism. This omission (not telling students which way mutational changes are heading) leads them to the wrong conclusion concerning what evolutionary change can or cannot accomplish.

It is conceivable that small changes could yield a new creature if these changes added useful information to the existing creature. Let's pretend evolutionary change is like a journey on a train. The journey from Atlanta to Chicago would be like the upward advancement from a single-cell organism to man while the journey in the opposite direction–from Atlanta to Miami–would be like multiple birth defects leading to the extinction of a species. Each foot along the journey is like a small mutation in a creature's transformation. You would only need to see the beginning of the trip to trust that the train could arrive a thousand miles away. However, if the train were actually heading south instead of north, you would have no reason to believe it would end up in Chicago (as a new type of creature). The same is true of mutational changes used to support evolutionary development. Information is always lost. For a protozoa to turn into a pony, enormous amounts of useful information would need to be added. All examples of evolution are in the wrong direction–yielding a loss of information.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, February 22.

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