The peppered moth of England is often used as an example of evolution in action. >We're told that the light variety of Biston betularia (the peppered moth) evolved into the dark variety during the industrial revolution as a result of factory soot coating the trees. It is a known fact that both light and dark varieties of the peppered moth lived in England prior to the industrial revolution, but the dark ones were rare. As the light-colored trees darkened with the soot, the prevalent white moths landing on the trees became more visible to bird predators. The rarer dark moths were now better camouflaged, and their population began to flourish. This is presented in textbooks as an example of evolution. The implication is that this shift in moth population proves that one type of animal can change into another type.

However, before the industrial revolution there were light and dark-colored moths. After the industrial revolution there were light and dark-colored moths. What a wonderful system (called natural selection), God has built into animals so that they can adapt to environmental changes! But this example does nothing to show how one kind of animal could change into another kind of animal.

The fact that the peppered moth is still in textbooks is an example of how evolutionists misuse simple shifts in population to support their belief that new animals evolve. No new information is added and no completely new type of animal ever results.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 26.

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