The more we learn about life, the greater the complexity we find. There were no sophisticated microscopes 150 years ago. Consequently, the leap of complexity from single-to multiple-cell organisms was greatly underestimated. The development of the computer has given us an even greater appreciation for the enormous complexity, extreme miniaturation, and vast storage capabilities of the brain. Consider a few other giant leaps that evolutionists must accept in order to hold onto their faith in evolution:

1. Flight somehow evolved on a least four different occasions (birds, insects, reptiles, mammals).

2. Photosynthesis somehow developed.

3. Cold-blooded animals somehow turned into warm-blooded animals.

4. Floating marine plants somehow changed into complex plants with roots, stems, and leaf systems.

5. Placental animals (the off-spring develop inside of their mother) somehow turned into marsupial animals (their off-spring develop within a pouch).

6. Egg-laying animals somehow developed the ability to give live births.

7. Insects somehow learned to totally rearrange themselves and change form in a process called metamorphosis (such as a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly).

8. Land mammals and reptiles such as whales, seals, dolphins, ichthyosaurs, and plesiosaurs somehow crawled back into the sea and developed all of the specialized organs needed for sea survival.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 15.

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