Mistletoe is a common plant found in various places throughout the world. While it uses its green leaves to make its own food, it gets its water and minerals through roots attached to a host. Many species of the Australian mistletoe are unique in that they mimic the host on which they grow. The drooping mistletoe is so named because its leaves look like its host, the eucalyptus tree. The box mistletoe and the pendulous mistletoe both have hard, sickle-shaped leaves that look like the trees on which they grow. The buloke mistletoe has long, thin, grayish-green leaves that are similar to the pencil pine on which it grows. How can we explain this mimicry?

God states in His Word that He created everything and that He loves and cares for His creation. Mistletoe cannot see its host nor can it change form like an amoeba, yet it manages to survive by exactly duplicating another organism. The mistletoe was designed to adapt to the appearance of its host. Only a creative and intelligent Designer could accomplish such a task.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 14.

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