The bola spider doesn't weave a web, but catches insects by making a special silk thread with a sticky glob on the end (called a bola). The bola spider then generates the same scent as the female moth in order to attract the male moth. When a male moth comes close to investigate the scent, the resourceful spider casts its silken thread toward the unsuspecting prey and catches it on the sticky glob.

This spider's thread is so elastic it can stretch up to 600%, while sticky enough to snag a struggling moth. Chemists who have studied this spider's glue have yet to duplicate its adhesive properties. The spider allows the moth to struggle while it conserves its own energy. Once the moth has tired, it reels in its catch and wraps it in silk for storage until it is hungry. The bola spider is so efficient that it is not unusual for one spider to catch up to eight moths per night.

One species is normally not able to detect the scents of another species. One wonders how the bola spider could have evolved the ability to exactly duplicate the female moth's chemistry. This scent along with the ability to accurately produce and cast a bola must have evolved simultaneously. Otherwise this spider would have been extinct long before its unique abilities to catch its prey were perfected. The direct creation of these unique abilities, with their unique functions is the logical answer.

It is because of the fallen creation that each type of creature, just like mankind, must struggle for their existence, Yet even in the struggle, God provides.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, April 30.

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