Evolution cannot be combined with Christianity for the following reasons:

1. The Bible states 10 times that life reproduces only “after its own kind.” This is certainly true as we observe the biological world around us. Dogs stay dogs, and people stay people. Yet evolution preaches that all life is a blurred continuum.

2. The God of the Bible demands unselfish sacrifice for the good of others. “…whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant” (Matthew 20:27). Would this same God use a method of dead ends, extinctions, and survival of the fittest to make us?

3. Belief in evolution justified the excesses of the industrial revolution, the Nazi elimination of the Jews, and the rise of Marxism and Communism. It also serves as the justification for disbelief in God. If we are a product of biological forces, why not extend these forces into our dealing with other humans? Animal groups do not lament wiping each other out in order to survive. Why shouldn't we do the same if we are just part of an evolutionary process which formed us?

4. There is abundant scientific evidence that macro-evolution has never taken place. The fossil record shows no credible links between major groups of plants and animals; the chemical structure of DNA contains useful information which could not have developed by natural processes; there is abundant evidence for a worldwide flood, which contradicts evolution.

Evolution is a philosophy unsupported by the majority of scientific observations.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, July 16.

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