Mutations (chance errors in genes) are the only proposed mechanism whereby new genetic information for evolution can emerge. It is common knowledge that rarely, if ever, does a mutation improve an organism in its natural environment. Almost all observable mutations are harmful; some are meaningless; many are lethal. No known mutation has ever produced a form of life having greater complexity and viability than its ancestors.

“There is no reason to believe that mutations or any natural process could ever produce any new organs–especially those as complex as our eye, ear, or brain. For example, an adult human brain contains over a hundred thousand billion electrical connections, more than all the electrical connections in all the electrical appliances in the entire world. Just the human heart, a ten-ounce pump that will operate without maintenance or lubrication for over 75 years, is an engineering marvel. To this day the heart is unparalleled by any man-made pump.”

How could random mistakes to the genetic code produce improvements? How could random changes have produced these marvels in the first place?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 10.

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