The mapping of the ocean floor-with its awesome mountain ranges and deep caverns-shows a gigantic fissure (crack) spanning the entire globe, called the Mid-Oceanic Ridge. The Bible says when the Flood began, “all the fountains if the deep were broken up” (Genesis 7:11). The Hebrew word used for broken up also means “to rip open” or “burst forth.” This implies that massive quantities of subterranean waters existed below the surface of the earth and that these waters broke forth to fill our present sea basins. Some creationists believe that these Mid-Oceanic Ridge fissures are possibly what remains of the scar from which all of this water burst forth. This theory is known as the hydroplate theory, which is one of the creationist models explaining the rapid changes that happened to the earth's crust during the global Flood.

It is interesting to note that the very word ocean is translated from the original Hebrew word that literally means “that which burst forth from the womb.” Scientific discoveries heighten one's appreciation for the Bible, especially when we find that every word and phrase has a specific meaning which fits perfectly with the world around us.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, November 20.

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