According to evolution, the development of human language began when apelike creatures grunted and made simple noises at each other. Supposedly these ape-men agreed on meanings for these sounds, and language was born. This view does not explain why ancient languages are more complex than modern languages. Furthermore, for any apelike creature to develop complex language, not only would the structure of its throat need to change, but simultaneously its brain would have to develop the ability to convert abstract sounds into symbolic meaning.

Other than the assumption of evolution, there is no reason to believe ancient man was not completely capable of complex communication. From the intricate artwork of cave-dwelling people to the massive engineering marvels of the earliest civilizations, it is quite apparent that ancient man was both intelligent and fully able to communicate.

The Bible clearly states that humans were created with an inherent ability to use and understand complex language. God gave us language both as a method of fellowship and as proof that we have been made in the image of our Creator. From the earliest signs of human civilization, it is apparent that humans have always possessed complex linguistic abilities. When people draw conclusions based on data, rather than on preconceived beliefs, one can see which model of origins is best supported by science.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 12.

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