Radiohalos are rings of color which form in rock crystals when bits of radioactive elements decay. These discolored rings give very specific patterns which are indicative of the radioactive decay sequence happening within the rock crystal. Radiohalos have been found in granite, biotite, flourite, diamond and other minerals and gems. They also provide undisputable evidence that enormous layers of rock which form the lowest crust of our planet formed and cooled almost intantaneously.

Polonium is a radioactive element which decays within seconds to months of its formation. It leaves very distinctive discolored rings when this decay happens inside of granite and other materials. These discolorations had to have formed after the granite was cool, because temperatures higher than 140 degrees C destroy the discoloration. In some cases the polonium decays in less than a second, and in others it is gone within months. The only way that radiohalos could exist within granite is if these massive rock layers, as much as a mile thick, also formed and cooled almost instantly.

Critics claim that the polonium came from other radioactive elements which were deposited millions of years after the rock crystals formed and cooled. There is no evidence, however, that the tiny bits of radioactive polonium came from any previous form of radioactive material. Nor is there evidence to show how the radioactive material could have entered the rock. The polonium had to be present as the rock formed.

The existence of polonium radiohalos in granite indicate that the granite was created as a solid, just as we see it now, and did not form from molten material.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, August 9.

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