The little publicized fact of radiocarbon dating is that all organic matter has a “background level” of radiocarbon. To understand the incredible implications of this fact, you must understand how radiocarbon dating works.

As nitrogen in our upper atmosphere is bombarded by cosmic rays, some of it is turned into radioactive Carbon 14 molecules, which are uniformly dispersed throughout all living things. Once an organism dies, it stops taking in Carbon 14. It begins to deteriorate at a rate of 50% every 5,730 years. A million years later there could not be a single atom of Carbon 14 remaining.

Radiocarbon labs have found that essentially every previously living organic molecule has approximately 0.3% of the Carbon 14 that we find in today's atmosphere. Coal, natural gas, oil, shells, even unfossilized dinosaur bones still have measureable levels of Carbon 14. At the known Carbon 14 deterioration rate, for 0.3% Carbon 14 to be left in organic molecules, they must be less than 46,000 years old. They could not possibly be millions of year old.

Radiocarbon experts have taken extreme measures to eliminate all possible sources of modern contamination, yet they have been totally unsuccessful in eliminating this “inherant” Carbon 14. The implication is staggering. Since radioactive carbon is still present in every buried organic molecule (all of which are assumed to be many millions of years old), these molecules must have been alive quite recently. This inescapable conclusion from the data collected from radiocarbon labs around the world is not publicized, because scientists are trained to believe that the earth is billions of years old.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, September 7.

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