In order for our eyes to see, many chemical and electrical reactions must take place in the proper sequence. Even more importantly, these reactions must happen almost instantaneously for us to see what is happening, while it is still happening.

Researchers have recently discovered just how quickly light causes the first chemical change within our eye. In order for our brain to see an image, a chemical in our eye which is sensitive to light must respond as soon as a photon of light strikes it. This type of chemical change is called a photochemical reaction. Photochemical reactions are the basis of how photographic paper works, but the reactions that result in a printed picture are extremely slow compared to the photochemical reactions in our eye. The fastest photographic film requires the camera lens to remain open for about 1/10,000 of a second. Biologists have found that the eye's photochemistry is so fast that the first reaction in the sequence takes place in approximately 1/5,000,000,000 (one-five billionth) of a second. This is 5000,000 times faster than our best film capabilities.

Our attempts to duplicate the processes in our eyes fall short of God's original design by such an extreme amount that Darwin himself admitted that the human eye seemed to defy his theory of evolution.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 8.

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