The heart is an eleven-ounce muscle about the size of a large fist. It is the strongest muscle in the body. Every day this relentless organ beats about 100,000 times and pumps about 1,800 gallons of blood. A small patch of tissue called the sinus node causes the heart to beat. The function of this node is to send an electric current every 0.8 seconds to certain nerve fibers in the heart muscle. These fibers stimulate muscular contractions that send blood flowing up to 10 miles per hour throughout the body. The blood moves through the  body, supplying oxygen to every cell, and then returns to the heart. From the heart it is pumped to the lungs, where it is reoxygenated and then sent back through the body.

If it took time and intelligence for man to design the fuel pump, cooling system, and lubrication system in a car engine, how can we believe that the human circulatory system (which is a far more complex engineering marvel) happened by the blind forces of nature?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 18. 

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