Any organism's reproductive system must be fully functional in order for the organism to reproduce itself. A closer look at one small aspect of the male's reproductive system reveals incredible complexity which could never have developed by mutational changes from some “simpler” system.

Human sperm cells, for example, are about 1/600th of an inch in length with three basic parts–the “head” (which holds the genetic information of the father), the “body” (which supplies the energy for movement), and the “tail” (which propels it). Human sperm can only survive within the narrow temperature range of 95F (plus or minus 2F). Yet the average human body temperature is 98.6F. For this reason, a muscle within the walls of the male's scrotum adjusts the testicle location, closer or farther from the body, in order to maintain exactly the right temperature.

About 200 million sperm are made every 24 hours within the 750 feet of tiny twisted tubules. Inside of these coils are special cells called sertoli cells, which have an elaborate “communication network” allowing each cell to protect and care for about 150 sperm. Other small cells secrete testosterone (a male hormone), which must be exactly balanced with estrogen (a female hormone) in order to develop specific sexual characteristics. The production of these hormones is controlled by the pituitary gland in the brain. Every part of this complex system (plus much, much more) are required for the reproduction process to succeed. This clearly points to a masterful Designer.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, July 6.

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