Paleontologists have been searching for transitional bones linking modern man to some apelike creature for over a century. Java Man, discovered by Eugene DuBois in the early 1890s, was one of the first proposed links. DuBois reasoned that if he was going to find the ancestor of an apelike creature in the process of turning into a man, he should go where apes currently lived. DuBois went to the South Pacific island of Java and found a variety of fossilized bones. For decades he promoted these fossils as proof of the existence of “apeman.”

These bones consisted of a very apelike skull cap found in the vicinity of a humanlike thigh bone. The thigh bone was found one year later and about 46 feet away from the skull cap. It wasn't until many years later, when very little additional evidence had been found to support the apeman concept, that Dubois' find was widely accepted as evidence for the existence of apeman. Only after this wide acceptance had occurred did DuBois reveal that fully human bones had been found in the same deposit. If fully human bones were found in the same location, how could Java man be the ancestor of humans?

This is the quality of the evidence which is still being used to promote the idea that man evolved from animals. The Bible clearly states that man was created from the beginning–in God's image. The physical evidence clearly supports this biblical truth.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, September 4.

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