The sun, moon and stars were created for signs, seasons, days, and years. [Genesis 1:14.] From the beginning, God wanted man to be a chronologer (someone who measures time) in order for us to live orderly lives. Studies of ancient civilizations show early man understood this purpose and tried to fulfill it. We know, for example, that eclipses of the sun and moon have been used for at least 4,000 years to measure time. This has enabled modern historians to check dates in ancient history with perfect accuracy. Ancient civilizations also knew how to measure a year by the stars. The position of the stars changes slightly every night. At the earth's current rate of rotation around the sun (which we know is slowing down at a known rate), the stars now return to their exact position after 365 days, 6 hours 9 minutes and 9.6 seconds.

Even our geometry and mathematics are tied to the solar year. Almost all ancient civilizations used a 360-day year, which accounts for the change over the years. This 360-day year is the basis of our 360-degree circle and 360-degree compass. The Egyptians measured the passing of a year by the position of the rising of the bright star Sirius over the Nile at dawn. This is called the “Sidereal (star) Year,” and atomic clocks are still adjusted in reference to it.

Much of the world's population still lives by farming, and many have no calendar except the one God has provided in the stars. God truly provides for all of our needs, just as He promises in His Word.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 30.

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