As astronomers look far out into the universe with increasingly more powerful telescopes, they observe that rapidly moving galaxies often cluster tightly together. If these galaxies started out as a single point of matter (as we have been taught by the big bang theory), they should be evenly dispersed by now. For galaxies to remain tightly clustered is analogous to throwing a handful of rocks at a target 20 feet away and having every one of the rocks hit the exact center of the target. This never happens, because the individual rocks spread out as they travel different trajectories at different speeds. It is only right after they leave your hand that they will all be in close proximity.

The same is true of these clusters. If they have been moving through space for billions of years, they should not be in tight clusters, but widely spread apart. This is one of the huge problems which have many scientists doubting the validity of the big bang theory. The galaxies within clusters are so close together, they could not have been flying apart for very long. The visible mass of these clusters is much too small to hold the galaxies together by gravity. Based on observable evidence, they are in close proximity because they were recently created.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 31.

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