The ironic life cycle of a toad-eating horsefly was first documented in the Arizona desert by Dr. Thomas Eisner of Cornell University. Eisner noticed this unusual drama at a muddy desert pond that had a large population of spadefoot toads. Upon close inspection of the pond, he noticed that some of the toads were being pulled down into the mud as they hopped across the surface. A little digging revealed that the predator was the horsefly larva. The larva burrows into the soft mud until its head barely sticks out. When an unsuspecting toad wanders by, the larva grabs him with its powerful jaws and pulls him into the mud. The larva injects the toad with poison and drinks the toad's body fluids. Eventually the larva grows into an adult horsely, but now it must avoid becoming a meal for the toads that have survived the larva attack.

Even in the desert where food is scarce, God has designed an incredible circular food chain that works in perfect balance.
Although mutually beneficial relationships such as this may not have been required before mankind rebelled, God has provided mechanisms to insure the survival of animals within His creation.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, January 16.

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