Jesus Christ is not a mythological character. Evidence of His existence can be verified by many sources.

First, there is the testimony of the New Testament documents. All 27 New Testament books were completed within 60 years of Christ's resurrection. Ten of these books were written by Christ's personal friends. At least thirteen were written by Paul, an eyewitness of Christ's life.

Second, the Jewish Babylonian Talmud and the writings of the famous Jewish historian Josephus bear witness to the historical presence of Christ. Their testimony to Christ's existence is all the more valuable, because the Jews not only rejected Christ, but were extremely hostile toward Him. Many of these writings contain lies and distortions, but the very fact He merits attention supports His historical existence.

Third, ancient nonreligious historical writings also bear record of Christ. For example, Pliny, the governor of Bithynia (around 112 A.D.); the Roman historian Tacitus (115 A.D.); and the popular Roman writer Seutonius (about 120 A.D.) all acknowledged the existence of Christ.

From a Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, January 14.

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