Certain jellyfish and polyps (coral) have poisonous stinging capsules called nematocysts which explode when it is necessary for defense or acquiring food. These nematocysts are extremely complex biological structures. In fact, Dr. Thomas A. Stephenson, Professor of Zoology at University College in Wales, says, “They are among the most extraordinary structures in the animal kingdom.” Jelly fish with these poisonous nematocysts are the favorite food of some sea slugs, which swallow the highly poisonous nematocysts intact. The sea slug then transfers the unexploded nematocysts from its digestive system to special sacs in its skin; there they are held ready to explode in defense of the slug.

How did the first sea slug survive swallowing a poisonous jellyfish? How did the sea slug learn to steal its defense mechanism from another creature? How did the complex transfer mechanism, with special storage sacks, develop? Evolution seems to make sense on the surface, but falls apart as soon as the details are examined. The complete system of poison handling had to be working perfectly in order for the sea slug to have survived. Evolution ignores these problems and assumes it all “just happened.” God must have created all of these abilities simultaneously, either as latent abilities before the Fall or for survival after the Fall.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 5.

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