Every summer night female Mexican free-tailed bats leave the Bracken Cave in San Antonio, Texas, and fly as far as 60 miles, consuming as much as their total body weight in insects. After about five hours, the mothers return to the cave to nurse their pups and rest for about three hours. They then go out for another three hours of feeding. Even with this eating frenzy, the bat's diet normally would not provide enough fat for the mother bat to provide rich milk for her pups. Her nursing period, however, “just happens” to fall at exactly the same time that a particular local ant grows wings. It also “just happens” that this particular ant is a rich source of needed protein. These flying insects also “just happen” to be available in the bat's airspace, at just the right time! One wonders how this particular species of ant could have evolved at exactly the right time to ensure the survival of the Mexican free-tailed bat.

It is unknown whether the eating habits of this bat developed before or after creation's Fall. Either way, the bat's design clearly points to an intelligent Designer.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, April 23.  

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