Many humans and even some animals will endanger or sacrifice their lives to save the life of another–sometimes even the life of a completely different species. This type of behavior, known as altruistic, is universally considered the most praiseworthy form of character. According to the theory of evolution, natural selection explains all individual characteristics. How could altruistic behavior have evolved by natural selection or mutational change? This type of selfless behavior, by definition, reduces the chances of survival for the individual creature who exhibits it. The only rational explanation for altruistic behavior is that it was programmed into animals.

Stealing and aggressiveness produce immediate benefits to an individual, whereas cooperation produces longer term benefits for an entire group. If macroevolution has happened, selfish behavior would tend to eliminate unselfish behavior. How could individuals know that self-sacrificing behavior has greater long-term benefits? Although it can be demonstrated that altruism benefits the whole once it is established, it has never been explained how it could have developed in the first place. Altruism contradicts evolution and has the fingerprints of God all over it!

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, June 21.

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