The cheetah is truly a remarkable creature. It is the world's fastest land animal, capable of accelerating from 0 to 40 miles per hour in 2 seconds. The cheetah can reach a speed of 70 miles per hour. How does the cheetah reach these phenominal speeds? It is designed with a high-performance body containing a uniquely powerful heart, strong large-diameter arteries, and extra-large nostrils for breathing large volumes of air. The cheetah also has hip and shoulder girdles that swivel on its spine. As it runs, the cheetah's spine curves up and down as its legs contract and extend. When moving at high speed, the cheetah may only touch the ground once every 23 feet.

Evolutionists would claim that some unknown pre-cheetah creature turned into the cheetah by chance mutations of its heart, liver, arteries, nostrils, hips, shoulders, spinal column, and muscles. Yet the oldest known cheetah fossils reveal an animal that is essentially identical to the cheetahs alive today. Once again, the actual physical evidence supports creation, rather than evolution. The cheetah's unique characteristics are a result of design. All of the information necessary for the cheetah's speed was programmed into the first large “cat-type” creature. No series of random modifications could have produced this fast, sleek animal.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, July 27.

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