Some animals, such as the duckbilled platypus, have organs that completely confound any evolutionary explanation. The platypus has a mixture of features from animals completely unrelated to its supposed ancestry. For instance:

1. The warm-blooded platypus feeds it babies milk like other mammals.

2. It lays leathery eggs, has a single ventral opening (for eliminating its waste, mating, and birth), and has claws and a shoulder girdle like most reptiles.

3. It can detect electrical currents like some fish.

4. It has webbed feet like an otter, a flat tail like a beaver, and the male can inject poision into its predators like a snake.

5. It has a bill like a duck.

It would seem that animals such as the platypus are God's reminder of His unfathomable creativity. These animals combine features from many unrelated creatures that have no logical place on the “evolutionary tree.” There is no direct evidence that any major group of animals (or plants) arose from any other group. Completely different types of animals are only observed going out of existence (extinctions), never coming into existence.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, August 3.

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