Although coral appears to be a plant, it is actually an animal. A coral reef is made up of millions of tiny animals (called poylps) living inside of interconnected limestone skeletons. Yet coral cannot maintain its existence without the help of a completely different organism-called algae. Thousands of single-celled algae, which are plants, live within the stomach of each tiny coral polyp. The polyp uses the waste from the algae to produce the calcium needed to build its protective reef. In return, the polyp's stomach provides an ideal protected living place for the algae. It is the algae in the polyp's stomach which provide the wonderful colors seen in living reefs.

Evolutionists have claimed that it would require a million years to produce such structures as the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. This structure is 1,300 miles long and is considered the largest structure ever produced by a living organism. In contradiction to what evolutionists have taught for years, experimental measurements have shown that coral polyps are capable of doubling their weight every ten days. As a result, the Great Barrier Reef could easily have been produced well within the last 10,000 years. The real question is, why it is not much larger if the earth is really billions of years old?

Almost all dating methods used by evolutionists to justify the belief in an ancient earth need to be revised drastically downward as we learn more.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 22.

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