The theory of evolution has hindered the advancement of human knowledge since it was first proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859. The idea that one type of creature has changed into a completely different type of creature by the accumulation of small changes over time has been at least partially responsible for many of the following travesties:

1. The removal of supposedly useless organs (such as tonsils) based on the assumption that they were evolutionary leftovers.

2. The idolizing of animals to the point of animals being considered equal in value to humans, which has resulted in the devaluation of human life.

3. The devaluation of human life such that the abortion of babies is considered nothing more than the removal of excess tissue. Biology texts still teach that embryos go through “evolutionary stages” before becoming human.

4. The promotion of self-love and survival-of-the-fittest mentality at the expense of others, creating a self-centered society. If we have evolved, why not focus on self?

5. The distortion, misunderstanding, and redefinition of the word “family” – leading to broken homes, dysfunctional families, and insecure children.

6. Any basis for determining good vs. evil or right vs. wrong has become relative. Truth shifts as easily as moving sand.

Maintaining a creation foundation, as taught by the Bible, prevents all of these problems from occurring.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 23.

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