According to evolutionists, we exist because random mutations turned simple creatures into more complex creatures. If so, where are the leftovers and mistakes? Let's think about the process required to develop anything new.

When Thomas Edison worked to develop the electric light bulb, he tested over a thousand combinations of filaments and bulbs before discovering a combination that worked well. His laboratory was literally filled with failed attempts. The modern automobile is the result of 100 years of intelligent developments and improvements. Earlier versions were inefficient, less durable, and slower. These automobile ancestors did not improve by random changes, but by the intelligent design of engineers. Yet the earlier models are still around to see the developmental history. So where are mankind's evolutionary leftovers?

Evolutionists recognized this problem over 100 years ago. In the 1800s they listed almost 200 features of the human body believed to be rudimentary or vestigial (left over). Today the list has shrunk to practically zero. Virtually every feature of our body has been found to be designed for a useful purpose. Why aren't our bodies filled with useless leftover parts? Where are all the fossils showing evolution? Every fossil reveals a creature that is clearly indentifiable and suited for survival in its environment.

Only design by someone of infinite intelligence can adequately explain the human body, which has been perfectly designed from the start with every feature serving a needed and useful function.

By Bruce Malone

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 3.

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