The hand of our Creator can be seen in the design of the giant fungus Armillaria. This huge organism has been measured covering 38 acres and weighing as much as a blue whale. Scientists estimate that some of these organisms have been alive for 1,500 years (based on their current rate of growth). Like most fungi, the Armillaria is made up of tiny tendrils growing almost invisibly underground. The tendrils push small fruiting honey mushrooms above ground as evidence of the larger organism alive below the surface.

Armillarias are usually found in the hardwood forests of North America. The giant fungus is territorial, which means that no two individuals will share the same area. Fungi are critically important components of forest ecology which decompose dead wood, releasing nutrients needed by other plants. In the decomposition process, the fungi also produce carbon dioxide which is then used by plants to produce oxygen needed by humans.

It takes great faith to believe this organized system of maintaining forest ecology, each part dependant for life upon the other parts, could have evolved by chance random mutations over huge periods of time.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 31.

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