It would take thousands of carefully directed changes to the genes of an eyeless creature for it to possess a crude light-sensitive patch or a compound eye. It would take countless more to turn a light-senstive patch or compound eye into a fluid-filled eyeball. Since an eye that is not fully developed does not provide sight, any mutation not providing some advantage would be useless. These mutations would be eliminated by natural selection rather than developing in a step-by-step manner into the complex eye. So how did the eye develop?

Neither living nor fossil animals show any evidence for the gradual development of an eye. Every known creature either has a fully developed compound eye, a fluid-filled eyeball, or a light-gathering spot. No adequate mechanism has been proposed as to how any one of these types of eyes could have turned into another by random step-by-step mutational changes.

There is no adequate mechanisms explaining how an eyeball developed over time and no examples in the fossil record indicating that it has ever happened. The most reasonable scientific conclusion is that there is a Creator who designed and created each type of eye.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 5.

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