There are numerous places in the geologic column where rock material from deep underlying rocks has “oozed” up through cracks into the rock layers above. Solid rock, after being buried for millions of years, would not ooze through cracks.

According to evolutionary interpretation, there is a sandstone layer near Colorado's Ute Pass fault which was supposedly laid down under an ancient ocean 500 million years ago. The rock layer over this sandstone is allegedly only 70 million years old. Some of the sandstone from the “500-million-year-old” rock supposedly oozed up through cracks in the overlying “70-million-year-old” rock layer. To explain this, evolutionary geologists are forced to believe that the underlying sandstone failed to solidify for 430 million years.

A better explanation is that the two rock layers were laid down within a short time span of each other. The lower sandstone layer oozed up through the cracks because the underlying sand had not yet hardened. The structure of the sandstone in the cracks is identical to the structure in the underlying rock. This indicates that both layers had to have hardened close to the same time and millions of years have not passed between the formation of these rock layers. These structures, called clastic dikes, are quite common aroung the world. Rock layers such as these support the conclusion that almost all sedimentary rock is the result of a flood of global proportions.

Why is this better explanation not considered? Could it be because accepting this explanation which is the most straight forward interpretation of the data invalidates the evidence for evolution and an old earth?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, September 10.

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