The Grand Canyon is a showcase of geological change. If there is any place on Earth where the history of our planet can be seen and read, it is within the walls of this great canyon. The Colorado River is commonly reported to have cut the huge canyon as it slowly, one grain of rock at a time, dug deep into the earth over millions of years. Yet this interpretation of the canyon contradicts much of the evidence. For instance:

The Colorado River flows through a plateau which geologists acknowledge was uplifted long before the river flowed through the area. Only a huge and sudden flow of water could have carved through the area, because any river would have flowed around the plateau.

There are may folded rock layers in the canyon. Solid rock does not fold without fracturing, but soft sediment does. In other words, the sediment was recently formed and was not solid when the canyon was carved.

According to the evolutionary time scale, there are 500 million years of missing sediment between certain rock layers in the canyon. Evolutionists assume this sediment was simply washed away. Yet the missing interface is a smooth, flat surface covering hundreds of thousands of square miles. No such flat interface between sediment layers is observed on our planet today, yet this would be an expected consequence of a huge flood of worldwide extent.

There is much evidence pointing to a worldwide Flood. The Grand Canyon was carved out as huge quantities of water broke through an earthen dam and rapidly gouged out the canyon.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, November 2.

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