The present human population of the world supports the Genesis record. According to known historical records, the world's population doubles approximately every 100 years. This population doubling has happened even faster in the last few hundred years, taking place about every 60 years.

Starting with an original population of eight people from the Ark (Noah's family), one can easily calculate that the population would have to double itself a little over 26 times to produce the present world population. If the most straightforward understanding of the Bible is correct, Noah lived about 4,500 years ago. This gives an average doubling interval of almost 166 years, which is very conservative when compared to the observed doubling rate of approximately 100 years.

Now let's assume that evolution is correct and that some apelike creatures turned into people approximately 1,000,000 years ago. You can calculate how many people there should be on Earth based on the historical rate of population doubling (once every 166 years), starting wiht two ape-people, and doubling their population every 166 years for 1,000,000 years (6,000 times). The result is more people on the earth than there are atoms in the entire universe. If people have been around for as long as evolutionists tell us, why aren't there more people and where are all the bodies? The observable facts perfectly fit a biblical time frame.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, February 10.

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