The 1/50-inch-long iceplant scale is the scourge of a common landscaping plant. Since this creature is wingless, it was thought to spread from plant to plant by contact. This idea has turned out to be totally incorrect. Biologists have discovered that the iceplant scale sails the wind from plant to plant. This insect not only has the ability to accurately sense wind velocity and direction, but can turn itself into a tiny bug-shaped parasail.

Once the insect senses a wind velocity of 10 miles per hour, it determines the wind direction with its antennae. It then proceeds to turn its back to the breeze, rear up on its hind legs, and extend its antennae and legs. This doubles the iceplant scale's surface area and makes it possible for the insect to be lifted and carried by the wind. In essence, the scale makes a parasail out of its body. Scientists found that even one-day-old insects are knowledgeable about flight and ready to migrate. Both the intricate design and instincts within the smallest creatures testify to programming by their Creator.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, March 20.

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