Scientists have been measuring the earth's magnetic field since 1835. Indirect measurements show that the overall strength of the earth's magnetic field has consistently decreased with time. It is the rate at which the earth's magnetic field is decreasing which is astounding–it has lost 50% of its strength in the last 1,400 years!

This is not a problem as long as the earth is relatively young; but if the earth is much older than 10,000 years, no life could have existed on earth, because the magnetic field would have been so strong. If the earth is almost five billion years old, why is its magnetic field less than 10,000 years old? Could the earth be much younger than we have been led to believe?

Observations of rapid reversals of the earth's magnetic field are also a problem for scientists who believe in an earth of great age. Various observations have shown that in the past the earth's magnetic field has reversed over a very short time period (days to months). Catastrophic upheavals in the earth's molten core during a worldwide Flood can easily explain these rapid reversals. No other mechanism can adequately explain the short time period reported for these reversals. These magnetic field reversals would have caused an even more rapid decay of total field strength–indicating a maximum possible age for the earth even less than 10,000 years.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, September 2.

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