Evolutionists use the presence of certain extinct animal remains to date rock layers that contain that particular fossil. For example, a certain type of mollusk (called Pilina) was believed to be extinct for some 400 million years, leaving no more recent remains in the fossil record. However, in 1952 a virtually identical mollusk was found alive and well living at ocean depths of 12,000 feet. This shows that this “living fossil,” as it is called, hasn't evolved over the supposed “400 million year” period, because the modern specimens look exactly like their “400 million year old” ancestors. How can an organism which is still alive be used to date rock layers? Evolutionists just throw out this index fossil, but continue to use others. The contradictions to evolution compound themselves endlessly.

The Coelacanth is another example of a fossilized animal which supposedly became extinct, leaving no fossils, for the past “60 million years.” Yet many living coelacanths identical to the fossilized remains whch are supposedly “60 million years” old have been caught in the Indian Ocean since 1938. Evolutionists have no adequate explanation for this. These types of “living fossils” were simply created similar to their present form and have never changed. The worldwide Flood is the event that created the majority of the fossil record, not billions of years of slow burial.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 8.

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