There are more than 600 muscles (containing about six billion muscle fibers) in the human body. They make up about 40% of the body's weight. Some muscles are voluntary, like the muscles of the arms and legs. One must “think” to move these types of muscles. Other muscles, like the heart and the intestines, are involuntary. The contraction and relaxation of these muscles cannot be conciously controlled.

Frequently, muscles work in pairs. For example, the biceps in the upper arm pulls the forearm up, whereas the triceps moves the forearm down. This perfect design allows one muscle to rest while the other muscle is being used. Each muscle has its own stored supply of high-grade fuel made from food which the body converts into usable sugars. The muscle system also works together with other systems, like the nervous and skeletal systems. The nerve connections are required to signal muscles as to when to contract or relax. Without a doubt, their cooperative nature was planned.

Webster's Dictionary defines design as “deliberate, purposeful planning.” Just looking at the interaction between muscles and the rest of our body parts, how can anyone help but conclude that we have a Designer?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 7.

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