Modern airplanes navigate electronically. They pick up radio or satellite signals, and complicated equipment translates the signal to tell the pilot his or her location. But for years we have known that birds can navigate across great distances without any mechanical aids. In one test of this incredible ability, a number of Manx Shearwaters, which nest off the coast of Wales, were tagged and released at different points far beyond their usual range. One was turned loose in Boston, some 3,200 miles from home. In just twelve and a half days the bird returned to its nest, having traveled 250 miles a day starting from a place thousands of miles from where it had never been before. What's more, based on the known speed of the bird, it must have flown directly home across the open ocean.

No one knows how it did this. Could the incredible navigational system of birds have “just happened”? Both the Bible and science indicate otherwise.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 6.

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