What happens when a fossil is found that does not fit the standard evolutionary time sequence? Evolutionists never throw out the theory of evolution, because to do so they would cease to be evolutionists. To an evolutionist, evolution is a fact. Any “out-of-place” fossil is either disputed or evolution is modified to absorb the find. An example of this is the appearance of fish with backbones (vertebrates).

Vertebrates were once the only major animal group that were not found at the lowest level of rock in which all other life forms suddenly appear (Cambrian rocks). These rocks are said to be 545 million years old by evolutionists. When fish with backbones were found above the Cambrian layer and “dated” at 420 million years, it was assumed that it had taken 125 million years for a fish without a backbone to “evolve” a backbone.

By the 1990s, fish with backbones had been found even closer to the Cambrian layer and “dated” at 530 million years. It is now taught that backbones developed rapidly or that they evolved during the Cambrian explosion of life. No matter what is found in the rock layers, it is fit into the “theory” of evolution; because evolution is actually a belief system that is readily modified, but never abandoned. Evolution is used to explain everything-regardless of how the evidence changes. There is no such thing as an out-of-place fossil. Evolution is assumed to be fact and any evidence is forced into a modified evolutionary sequence.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, August 21.

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