For over 200 years paleontologists and geologists have been digging in the hills, valleys, and plains of the earth. During this time, they have uncovered and catalogued over a billion fossils. Thousands of fascinating plant and animal fossils from extinct organisms have been found. Fossils, like living organisms, are found fully formed and distinctly different in structure. Evolutionists claim to have found animal bones having features intermediate between similar creatures proving that evolution has occurred (e.g. small horses to big horses). Yet there are no examples in the fossil record of one animal slowly changing into a different kind of animal. Diagrams have been made which show variations within the same type of animal in an effort to organize them into a supposed evolutionary order. Textbooks promote this type of evidence because no transitional evidence showing one animal slowly changing into another has been found.

It is astounding that over a billion fossils have been found, yet there is no undisputed transitional form between very different types of animals or even animal features (such as a reptile's scale turning into a bird's feather). How can we say that evolution-the idea that man is the result of slow changes over time from earlier creatures-is a reasonable theory in light of this lack of evidence?

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, January 20.

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