Evolutionists have great difficulty explaining why fossilized animal remains are often found together in what appears to be huge graveyards. Entire shoals containing billions of fossilized fish have been found. They are frequently found in distressed postures with no sign of a scavenger's attack. In other locations billions of fossilized clams can be found washed together and tightly closed (normally when clams die they open up and are eaten by scavengers). Duckbilled dinosaurs (which are not water creatures) have been excavated in a swimming position with their heads thrown back as if something catastrophic killed them. In Sicily, fossil hippopotamus bones are so plentiful that they have been mined as a source of charcoal! Such graveyards are found nowhere in the world today containing organisms awaiting fossilization.

Most modern geologists attempt to explain such finds within the framework of uniformitarianism (the belief that geological phenomena happened in the past at the same very slow rate at which they are occurring today). This assumption, however, cannot explain why such large numbers of fossils are found in graveyards worldwide. Nor does this denial of a worldwide flood adequately explain why so many organisms were buried so rapidly. A flood as descibed in the Bible would result in exactly the type of worldwide fossil graveyards that we find.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, October 11.

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