The existence of salt lakes and inland seas provides strong evidence that there has been a global Flood. The huge salty Caspian Sea is completely landlocked and during the past several centuries has been shrinking in size. How did sea water get so far inland? Why did it not dry up millions of years ago? A gigantic flood within the last 5,000 years would seem to be a very good answer.

Lake Van (5,900 feet in elevation) to the southwest of Ararat and Lake Urmia (4,300 feet in elevation) are excellent examples of high-elevation, landlocked, salty lakes. The huge Gobi Desert in Central Asia has tiny leftover lakes which are only a small fraction of the size they once were. In America, the Great Salt Lake and its nearby desert tell the same story–it is the leftover remains of a much larger body of isolated salt water. Lake Titicaca in the Andes, 12,500 feet above sea level, and covering more than 300 square miles, was also apparently much larger in the past.

It is the worldwide extent and rate at which these isolated bodies of water are currently shrinking that testifies they were much larger in the relatively recent past. This is exactly what would be expected as the continents lifted up at the end of the one-year-long global Flood, leaving pockets of stranded water to slowly recede over the subsequent millennia.

From A Closer Look at the Evidence by Kleiss, May 24.

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